Our history
EPDA was conceived in 2008 by a multidisciplinary group of individuals led by Mr. Tanda Godwin (visionary and co-founder) and legalized by the Ministry of Territorial Administration through Prefectural order on the 26th of October 2010. These individuals are very much concerned with both local and global environmental issues and how these issues are affecting the livelihood of humans as well as the different organisms that support life in general. The main focus is to promote a safe and rich environment that supports life and provides its inhabitants the resources necessary for wellbeing and development.

Main Reason
The trigger against the creation of EPDA is the general outcry of water scarcity by the populace for domestic use, farming, and other uses. This scarcity in addition to the disappearance of local forests that provide water, wood, fiber, medicine and other forest-based resources to the surrounding inhabitants prompted EPDA’s initiation and eventual legalization to address these among other issues.
Since creation, our interventions have focused on protecting the environment while focusing on environmental resources management, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), watershed protection, food security, peace education as well as the independent follow-up of relevant sectoral public policies. We have implemented projects ranging from raising awareness to accompanying community-led projects and policy reforms.
The development and accompaniment of community-led projects by the EPDA team fall in line with and in the premise of protecting the environment and saving human lives from the vices of under-development, poverty and other related sufferings. This is why we have been using a holistic approach in all our interventions geared towards human development.
From the perspective of intervention in the environment sector, EPDA focuses on four programs which include: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Food Security (FS), Environmental Peacebuilding (EP), and Environment and Social Economic Development (ESED).

EPDA in carrying its work shall be guided by and full respect of the Humanitarian Principles of:
Humanity: EPDA operates with a desire to provide development services and humanitarian assistance without discrimination in order to alleviate poverty and human suffering to the needy.
Impartiality: Our human development actions must be carried out on the basis of need alone, giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress and making no discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political opinions.
Neutrality: In order to earn and enjoy the confidence of all, EPDA shall not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
Independence: EPDA is independent in its interventions and will always maintain its autonomy so that it may be able at all times act in accordance with EPDA core values.